Академія Публічно-Приватного Партнерства

PPP legislation is being updated in Ukraine with the assistance of the World Bank

PPP legislation is being updated in Ukraine with the assistance of the World Bank

After approval of the Law of Ukraine "On Concession" and amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Public-Private Partnership" the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new version of the procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of public-private partnership and the procedure for determining a private partner for public-private partnership in forms , other than the concession, https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/384-2011-%D0%BF#Text.   The team of World Bank consultants (Ms. Nataliya Biletska, Senior Public Sector Specialist; Mr. Ian Hawkesworth, Senior Governance Specialist; Mr. Bruno de Cazalet, Senior PPP Consultant; Mr. Grant Hauber, Senior PPP Consultant; Ms. Irina Zapatrina, Senior Consultant) assisted in the development of these pieces of legislation based on the best international practice.

+38 095 445-17-75 office@appp.com.ua Kyiv 01048, 6/1 Ioanna Pavla II str. Facebook