The online training on a public-private partnership course with the use of PPP Academy Educational Platform lasting two weeks is attended by more than 40 representatives of USAID Economic Support to Eastern Ukraine Project partner cities, representatives of Donetsk and Luhansk regional state administrations.
The training started in mid-October and will last for a month on the online training platform. Participants learn the basics of public-private partnership: the mechanism and types of public-private partnership, stages of project preparation, risks and benefits, examples and more. Such a partnership involves the combined efforts of government and business to implement important community projects.
“It was very interesting to study. The information is detailed, accessible and simple. It is very comfortable that you can study with access to lectures at a convenient time. The training allowed me to gain new information and knowledge on public-private partnerships. It is important that several representatives of the city council take part in the training. We will be able to jointly consider existing ideas for potential projects and opportunities for their implementation in the community. We have questions about the practical side of the implementation of such projects, I hope that we will be able to get answers during the next events and communication with consultants ", - said the Secretary of Starobilsk City Council of Luhansk region Svitlana Barabash about her participation in the training course Public-Private Partnership: foundations".
After the course, a webinar and strategic sessions will be held to identify ideas for potential public-private partnership projects in communities, which will receive consulting support from Ukrainian and foreign experts for further implementation.
Grant and educational assistance to entrepreneurs in eastern Ukraine is provided by the USAID Project as part of the East of Economic Opportunities information campaign. The campaign is designed to draw the attention of all of Ukraine to the needs and opportunities of the East, because never before in the region there have been so many initiatives aimed at improving living standards, developing business in promising sectors of the economy, rebuilding infrastructure. Never before have there been so many projects ready to attract investment and help the region become strong, creative and attractive for work and life.
Online PPP training under the USAID Eastern Ukraine Economic Support Project