
Professor, doctor of economics, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center
Member of Work Group on Piblic-Private Partnership of UNICE, consultant of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on PPP issues, co-author of the Model PPP Law for CIS countries, Model Law for "People First PPPs" of UNECE-EBRD. Lecturer and co-author of manuals on PPP in many countries of the world, the correspondent from Ukraine of EPPPL (European Procurement and Public Private Partnership) magazine. Irina has large experience in preparation and implementation of infrastructure projects with participation of international financial organizations, worked as a deputy Minister of housing and communal services (2007-2010), deputy director of Scientific-research financial institute under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (2005-2007). She has more then 130 scientific and analytical publications in Ukraine and abroad.

Ph.D. in Economics
Economist-cybernetics by education, Anna is an expert on macroeconomic modeling, forecasting, public procurement, assessment of financial and economic activity of enterprises, has a good knowledge of mathematical methods and their use in the economic sphere. From 2001 to 2005 she was a post-graduate student in the Research Financial Institute under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (specialty: international finance and debt policy). Her Ph.D. thesis topic was “Relations between Ukraine and International Financial Institutions”. Anna worked as an economist Economist of Project Implementation Unit of Kyiv District Heating Improvement Project (financed by the IBRD) in JSC Kyivenergo, and the director of the Institute for Socio-Economic Strategies.
Anna has an extensive experience in financial and economic research, project management, public-private partnership, participated in research activities on financial policy formation for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, housing policy and policy in field of communal services, energy saving and energy efficiency policy for the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.
Participated in the training and a master class on climate-resistant public-private partnerships, which took place online from 13 to 17 September 2021.
The master class was a part of the training module "Public-private Partnerships (PPPs) for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure", developed by the Global Center for Adaptation and its partners.
Successfully passed the APMG exam and is a certified Climate-Resilience Infrastructure Officer

PhD in juridical sciences
In 1999 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University as a Master of Law. Worked as the chief specialist of the legal department of the National Agency of Ukraine for the management of state corporate rights, legal adviser of JSC Kyivenergo and director of the corporate law and property department of the law firm “JurEnergoConsulting”. From 2006 to 2010 she was a post-graduate student of Koretsky Institute of State and Law under National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her Ph.D. thesis topic was “Legal regulation of the use of renewable energy sources”. After post-graduate study Kishko-Yerly O. continued her scientific work at the Institute, working as a junior researcher in the Department of problems of agrarian, land and environmental law, and after its reorganization, as a research assistant in the Department of Space and Environmental Law.
Kishko-Yerly O. has considerable practical experience in preparing successful proposals for the implementation of public-private partnership and support of relevant infrastructure projects in various sectors of the economy, acting as an expert on the application of Ukrainian and EU legislation in the field of public-private partnership. The sphere of her professional interests also includes the provision of legal opinions and consultations in the field of private international law, civil and commercial law, energy and housing and communal legislation, and so on. Kishko-Yerly O. actively participates in drafting legislation and expert work. At various times, she worked on draft laws such as “On Concessions”, “On the Natural Gas Market”, “On Energy Efficiency”, “On Regulation of Issues Related to Nuclear Safety” etct.
Participated as an expert on legal issues in many international TACIS projects (for example, “Institutional Support to Energoatom”, “Reform of the Operation System of Gas Transit in Ukraine”, “Support to Ukraine’s Development of its Strategy for Security of Oil Supply”) and USAID (for example, “Ukraine’s Shale Gas”, “Consulting Support to the Government of Ukraine on Production Sharing Agreements”). Kishko-Yerli O. is the author of more than 20 scientific and analytical publications.

Experts of the Academy
PPP Academy constantly cooperates on a contract basis with Ukrainian and foreign experts in the field of economics, finance, international law, public-private partnership, as well as with IT specialists.
Our experts take an active part in scientific and educational activities, participate in conferences, seminars and round tables in Ukraine and abroad, are members of working groups established by public authorities, supervise the preparation of dissertation research on a wide range of issues.

Oksana Panchenko
Ph.D. in Economics
Expert on financial issues, foreign economic activity and public-private partnership. She has many years of experience of scientific and practical activities in the field of economy and finance, housing and communal services and energy efficiency. Participated in international projects and in the preparation of feasibility studies for PPP projects, sustainable development strategies.
In 2001, she graduated from the International Management Institute and received the qualification of Master of Business Administration. From 2008 to 2012 she was a post-graduate student of the Research Financial Institute under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. In 2014 he defended her thesis on “Efficiency of budgetary expenditures in the system of state regulation” and received a PhD degree in specialty “Money, Finance and Credit”. Recently participated as an expert on financial and economic issues in the international projects of GIZ “Advising on Energy Efficiency Companies” and USAID “Municipal Energy Reform Project”. Panchenko O. is the author of 11 analytical and scientific publications.

Tetiana Lebeda
PhD in economics, author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of modeling and forecasting, economics and finance.
Has significant experience of cooperation with international financial institutions; as well as experience in preparing and implementing PPP projects. She worked at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Institute for Strategic Studies, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (Director of the Tariff Policy Department).
Directions of activity of our team
Preparation and conduction of trainings and seminars on issues of state management, infrastructure development, PPP, development of territories, increasing of efficiency of business for citizens of Ukraine and other countries.
Increasing institutional capacity of the representatives of public authority, private business, institutes of civil society on issues of formation and implementation of PPP projects.
Analysis and dissemination of the best international practices of efficient management of territories, companies, implementation of socially important projects based on partnership of public authorities, private business and civil society.
Applying own methodology for preparation and implementation of sustainable development strategies of cities and territories taking into account the UN Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Performance of scientific research on urgent issues of economy, finance, territorial development, legal regulation and management
Provision of services on development and support of projects implemented based on PPP, protection of interests of the parties of such partnership
Generalization and dissemination in Ukraine of international experience of implementation of PPP projects, assistance to formation of responsible attitude of business and territorial communities to observance of strategic interests of the society and the state.
Development of draft laws and other normative-legal acts, programs and projects in field of PPP, territorial development, budget regulation, innovation and investment projects.
Scientific expertise of draft laws and other normative-legal acts, programs and projects for the efficiency of PPP mechanisms envisaged by them
Organization and conduction of forums, conferences and exhibitions